1A0C is the amateur radio volunteer call-sign belongs to “The Order of Malta’s Italian Relief Corps (CISOM)”, an organization specialized in bringing assistance and relief during emergencies. This underscores the dual value of this activation. On the one hand, there’s the fun side of ham radio, giving a not so easy “new one” to as many stations as possible (especially from the US and Japan). On the other hand, however, there’s the noble goal, as often seen in ham radio, where a spirit of cooperation and mutual aid are shared by operators all over the world.
The volunteer team’s aim, in fact, is to raise funds – thanks to donations and contributions from QSL requests – in order to support the The Order of Malta’s Italian Relief Corps daily activity with the homeless. The UDS (Street Unity-a charitable organisation) are present in several Italian cities as Padua, Florence, Naples, Milan and Palermo, hoping to expand this service in few other cities within 2019.
It has been estimated that one quarter of the world’s population lives without shelter or in unhealthy and unacceptable conditions, a great many of whom are minors. The problems that lead to homelessness pervade every part of society; family breakdown, natural and man-made disasters, overcrowding, drug addiction and illness. In addition, homelessness accelerates social exclusion, so those affected are often in a downward spiral of unemployment, marginalisation, poverty, drug problems and illness.
Please consider supporting our ongoing efforts with homeless with an extra donation while requesting your QSL card to the manager. We promise to use the funds wisely to fulfill our mission with homeless, regardless of their race, religion or gender.
The Order of Malta’s Italian Relief Corps (CISOM) Amateur Radio Volunteer Team includes: EA1SA, EA5EL, EA5KA, EA5KM, EA5RM, EA7AJR, EA7KW, F8ATS, F9IE, IK5RUN, IW0DJB, IN3ZNR, IZ4AKS (1A0X), and LA7GIA.
1A0C will be active between July 15 to July 21, 2019 on HF+6m and 60m and that will be all time new one on this band.
The QSLs for contacts with 1A0C can be requested via EA5RM following the instruction reported on the website: 1A0C.com .